Preacher: Roman
Sermon Series:
Two weeks ago we spoke about trusting the lord, but after I finished I realized that I didn’t really answer the topic of that day.
Wisdom for peaceful life. …
Sermon Series:
We will hear what Salomon meant , by this verses. Trusting the Lord might sound too naive for you. But if you want God to be your Lord, you …
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I will never…, How many times we said a sentence like this. Lets look at Peter who said…”I will never…” to Jesus and few hours later he did exactly …
Sermon Series:
What is Prayer? WHY JESUS PRAYED?
Why to pray?
Do we listen? Or just talk? Do we share with others when we pray? …
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Recently I had few discussions about how we should measure our success in church or personal life. I realized that we are using wrong measurements. But Jesus is telling …
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As a people we often represent two groups, those who enjoy rules and commandments and those who enjoy freedom and love. We often think love and commandments don’t go …
Sermon Series:
It’s wonderful that we can decide. But what do we decide? Do we listen to our body or to our spirit? Our flesh makes decisions based on how we …